
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Learn how to be an up stander

 Learn how to be an upstander 

For Wananga this week we are learning about pink shirt day we had a choice on different tasks to do, I decided to learn how to be an upstander and now i'm going to being showing you five different actions on how to be an upstander.

Definition of an upstander:
A person who uses words and actions that can help someone who is being bullied. There are a range of helpful actions that you can take if you feel safe enough to do so.

1. Action
Awhi/Support the person experiencing bullying, let them know you got their back let them know they're not alone!
2. Action
Call it! Use your words to show Aroha and Kindness to those involved, don't just stand by and watch it may be hard to speak up for them in the moment back trust me it does make a huge difference. 
3. Action 
Distract: Interrupt the bullying in some way, help them leave the situation they are in, ask the person that is being bullying if they want to go for a walk or something.
4. Action 
Leave and act: If you don't feel safe to step in while the bullying is happening move away from the situation and talk to the person that was being bullied later and let them know you saw what happened and encourage them to go get some support.
5. Action
Get some other help: Support the person getting bullied to get some help from a trusted teacher, adult or their Whanau.