
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

What does music mean to me?

 What does music mean to me?

  1. Have you studied music before? Performed?

I did music class last term and last year, and I performed Michael Jackson's beat it with a group in front of the class.

  1. What type of music do you enjoy listening to? Why?

I listen to basically everything my music taste can go from really heavy metal to R & B or music from the 60s to dnb, but my main music genre would probably have to be music from the 2000s because it makes me feel kinda nostalgic in a way and because like songs from that era were bops.

  1. Name 3 bands/singers you like and why?

1. Pixies - I love this band because their music is just so catchy and their songs always make me feel like im in a really cool indie movie.
2. Nirvana- I used to have a really strong obsession with nirvana because their music was just so good, and they also have a really good range in music like it could be really heavy grunge to covering the man who sold the world. Nirvana was the band that inspired me to keep playing the guitar and their music definitely helped me through some rough patches, 

3. Gorillaz - They have been my favourite band since I can remember. Basically their music is just so good and I really like that they have characters to represent who they are and they have their own back stories too, but yeah most of these bands have really good range in music..

  1. What would you like to learn in music this term?

I just wanna learn new instruments and about them 

  1. Why did you choose music? 

Because i'm really passionate about music and I really enjoy it.