
Friday, March 20, 2020

Wonder plot graph

Wonder Plot Graph
What am I learning?
I'm learning to analyse and break down the plot of Wonder.

How does this show my learning?
 explaining what the plots of the film means and how each part works in the film.

What am I wondering?
How did they know each plot would work well together?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Workshop 3: How do 'Lighting & Colour' enhance the story?

Workshop 3: How do 'Lighting & Colour' enhance the story?

atmosphere- how you feel in a situation/mood

1. Scene- Auggies first day at school- when Auggie walks into class everyone stares at him. When he asks to sit down Amos says the seat is saved.

Angles/shot- Long shot/eye level of class, close ups of Auggie to see his emotion.

Palette- Colours used in film e.g nature palette has colours from nature- brown,green.
Warm/Cold- Warm makes you feel safe/comfortable
                   - Cold makes you feel clean/sterile
Bright-Vibrant, jumps out
Dull- Faded,muted,blends in 

Natural- Sun or moonlight
Artificial- Man made light e.g light rings.

Light + Colour- Warm-makes the classroom feel safe welcoming
                       -Bright colours- gives the room energy +life 
                       -Natural light coming through the windows.

Effect on the viewer-
 Happy, chilled, exciting, educational, inspiring.

 Wants to create a happy and safe atmosphere in Mr Browns classroom. 

Sexxxy paragraph time!!!

In the scene of August's first day at school, lighting & colour are used to create a safe and welcoming classroom environment. For instance, bright warm colours are used on the walls and natural light comes through the windows to make the space look lively. This makes the audience feel excited,inspired, and that the space is educational and supportive for learning. This was done to show Mr Brown had created a classroom space that would be welcoming to new students like Auggie. Coinciding with this is the use of body language. The children in the room are sitting up, smiling, and paying lots of attention, they are learning ready. This reminds the viewer of the theme kindness because the lighting and colour make the room welcoming for all students.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Workshop 2

Workshop 2: The impact of angles, Movement & Shots
A-Fight- Jack fighting Julien because Julien called Auggie a freak.
-Mr Brown the teacher is pulling Jack
- Dutch Tilt shows something is not right
-Low angle , Makes one person look smaller than the other. Making Julien look weak & Vulnerable.

How does the viewer feel, Shocked, Surprised, Concerned and uneasy because of how Jack reacted to what Julien had said,

Director: Surprised, worried, sad for Jack

Other techniques, Music creates atmosphere, minor Slow motion- makes more intense

In Wonder, low angle shots were used effectively. This is demonstrated in the scene where Jack attacks Julien because he called Auggie a freak. In this scene a low angle dutch tilt shot is used to make Jack appear stronger and Julien weak and vulnerable. This makes the audience feel shocked, surprised and concerned because we didn't expect a violent reaction from Jack who has not shown aggression up until this point. The purpose of this was to show the theme of kindness  as Jack finally stands up for Auggie. Combined with this is the use of quiet, minor music and slow motion to create an atmosphere and make the event feel more intense. This can be contrasted to the nature reserve fight scene where Auggie now shows kindness by standing up for Jack.

B-Fight scene- Nature Reserve-Auggie makes friends, high 5- no plauge, Jack, Amos & others. They beat up and ran away from 7th graders.

-Wide angle, Long shot- makes us feel like we are a bystander watching an important moment, the emotions are the characters, not ours.

-Audience- Joyful,proud,Cheerful, ecstatic , relieved- Auggie finally is included, has friends.

-Director- Shows Auggie is finally fitting in, shows theme 'important of friendship' or  'kindness'\

-Other techniques -Lighting-use of shadow-silhouette outling the boys, feels like they are all in it together. This scene is juxtaposed to when Auggie was sitting in the cafeteria by himself.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Workshop 1

Workshop 1: unpacking the Themes & Ideas
"When given the choice between being right and being kind choose kind"- Dr. Wayne Dyer
Kindness: When people are being respectful, caring, kind, helpful and including others.
Example 1:The cafeteria scene where Summer sits with August Pullman

  • Shows theme of kindness because Summer leaves the friends she has been sitting with who were bystanders and went to sit with Auggie because he was alone.
Explaining why this film/Idea is important:
Auggie has lost all trust in everyone until Summer sits with him and he starts slowly rebuilding that friendship trust again, if she hadn't shown kindness by sitting with him, he wouldn't have learnt to make new friends & move on.

Example 2: Fight scene at the nature reserve.
Describe how the example shows the theme/idea:

  • Amos & the other boys rescue Auggie and Jack Will from the seventh graders. At the end they high five Auggie.
  • Shows kindness because up until this point the others hadn't touched him or treated him with respect. 
-Explain why the idea/theme is important to the story.
theme of kindness is important because through it Auggie makes friend and you can see his growth and how much more confidence he has at the end, compared to the start

-Importance of family & friendship.

  • through these relationships our character(s) build trust, resilience, and self confidence. 
Example 1: When Jack punches Julien in the face for call Auggie a "Freak"
  • Shows importance of friendship because Jack wasn't willing to let Julien bully Auggie anymore. Auggie is a real friend to Jack, whereas Jullien is the kind of friend that puts you down if you don't agree with him.
  • Is important because it shows how real friends treat each other, they build trust and can forgive.
Example 2: When Auggie cuts his padawan braid off.
-Link to importance of family because it shows that when Auggie is feeling sad/alone/depressed that he 
has a support network to build his resilience. Home is Auggies safe/supportive place.

- He needs this relationship with his parents to help him build confidence to make new friends. Without a safe place he probably wouldn't get there.

Being right vs being popular - 
  • Doing the right thing, even if no one is watching or no one else is doing it 
Example 1: Julien bullies Auggie 
  • Julien chooses to do things to be popular rather than doing the right thing, He calls Auggie names, hides notes in his locker + tells Auggie he should kill himself. Julien is the most popular boy in the class so when he chooses to be mean that becomes the thing to do.
  • Julien shows importance of being right over being popular because through his actions he is removed from the school + loses his friends Juxtaposed to this is Jack. He decides he would rather be kind to Auggie and as a result keeps all his friends and isn't  kicked out of his school.

P.E Techniques

Discus Techniques 
Today for P.E we learnt how to hold and throw a discus here are some of the things you need to know and what we learned.

  1. Roll off your small finger.
  2. Wrap 4 fingers around it.
  3. Stand side on to the line.
I wind up.
High jump
1.Land with your arms and your feet facing up. Land on your back
2.When you take off it should be on 1 foot
3.When you leave the ground you must spin around and use your knee to turn.
Today we learned the fosbury flop spinning off the one leg and landing on our back with our legs,face and arms pointed to the ceiling. The highest I jumped was 1.4

Long Jump
1. Run up is 21 steps
2.Take off will be from the second marker
3. Land will be measured from the back foot
4.Land with both feet together
5.If you are over the second marker when you take off it will be a fowl jump.
The length for my jump was 2.7

Sprints/Long distance
I got 20 seconds for 100

   Shot put rules

1: Three figures
2:In your palm 
3:By your neck
4:Arm up

5:Under chin push not flex your wrist

High Jump
1.4 metres
Long jump
13 metres
Shot put
4 metres
1500 metre sprints
12 mins
100 sprints
20 secs 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Kiwi Ingenuity - evaluation ideas

Kiwi Ingenuity - evaluation ideas
for business studies we have been looking at kiwi ingenuity.
1. Which one of these  examples of kiwi ingenuity do you think would be:
  Most beneficial 
Clothing and equipment: I think this is most beneficial because we still use it now, and most people in New Zealand like camping and stuff .

Less beneficial
I think that the scoot board and van boat are the less beneficial because the van boat is literally useless and the scoot board is not relevant today because there are things like, Lime scooter and other things.

Two examples of Kiwi ingenuity that would most likely capture the imagination of other countries.
The water slide, Clothing and equipment.
I think the water thing would be good for different countries because it will prevent water accidents on the road, I also think the clothing and equipment would also be good because like I said most people like camping.

Theme guide Wonder- Inside out

Theme guide Wonder
The themes are the important ideas the film makes us think about.
The Julian Albans and Jack Will fight could also portray the theme of REDEMPTION

Here is my theme guide
What am I learning-
I am learning to explain and analyse the theme of a film.
How does this work show my learning -
This work shows my learning because I have recounted a scene that has happened in the film showing aspects of one of these themes and I have also added quotes.
What am I wondering as a result of this learning-
If there are anymore themes used in film.