
Thursday, May 24, 2018

3 Animals that are extinct

3 Animals that are extinct
For the past 2 weeks I have been working on this information about the 3 extinct animals that I am most satisfied with. Here I will be explaining how they become extinct , why , and who the last one of there kind was and where they were . I hope you enjoy bye!!

First animal the West African rhino aka (Diceros bicornis longipes)
The West African rhino was first announced extinct back in 2011,
The last one was spotted in 2006 most of them died off because of habitat
loss and people hunting them
for their horns and other stuff to sell off like most animal

Image result for Why did the West African rhino became extinct?
Seconded animal the Dodo( Raphus cucullatus)
The dodo lived on a small island called Mauritius where soon the sailors came in
 1598 therefore that's
one of the main reasons why the Dodo became endangered.
But one of the reasons is  because the dodo did not fear the human species
and the sailors caught them
more easily but also on top of that there was also invasive species destroying
their habitat and eating them also.
The last dodo was spotted in 1662.
Image result for dodo
3rd animal The passenger Pigeon ( Ectopistes migratorius)
This bird is like many of the other birds that are extinct today they have either been
hunted to extinction or there
habitats have been destroyed they lived in North America,
The last Passenger pigeon was named Martha
and she was born in 1885
and then died in 1914 and they were officially declared extinct.

Image result for martha passenger pigeonThis is martha