
Monday, August 31, 2020

Mac & Cheese - Home economics

Mac & Cheese - Home economics 
For home economics last week we made mac & cheese.


We used a skill called roux sauce. Roux is flour and fat cooked together and used to thicken sauces. My groups sauce turned out pretty good but I think because we were rushing it wasn't as thick as I wanted it to be but it turned out alright. 

Well it looked like mac & cheese, but I think we could have worked on our presentation a bit more we didn't have enough time to leave it to cook in the oven so it didn't really look how I wanted it to but other then that it looked edible.

It smelt pretty good

Our mac & cheese tasted pretty alright but since the onion didn't get enough time to cook and we didn't cut them small enough it tasted pretty weird because there was just big clumps of raw onion in our mac & cheese.

Rate your food product

what could you do differently to improve the rating of your food product next time?
I think that we could have started cooking a bit earlier because we ended up rushing a lot and ended up having raw onion in our food.

How did the team work together:
We worked really well together there were no arguments or anything like that and everyone was helping to do something weather it be cooking or cleaning and even though we were rushing we still ended up finishing.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The piano

The piano

1. where was the piano invented and by who?
 The piano was invented in Italy in 1655-1731 by Bartolomeo Cristofori

2. What did the first piano look like?

3. What is the difference between a piano and a keyboard?
One acoustic and one is electric and they have different types of keys

4.What have you enjoyed about learning the piano/Keyboard. What have you found challenging 
I have enjoyed learning how to read piano notes its actually quite interesting, I found moving my fingers challenging because my fingers are short.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Particle theory expansion and contraction

Particle theory expansion and contraction

I think that it will like explode and the can will break 

What is expansion,what causes it to happen?
Applying heat (Causes space between particles to increase)

What is contraction, what causes it to happen?
Cool particles down (move less, become closely packed together more dense)

The can did end up imploding, when I put the can into the cold water it like crunched up and popped a hole in the can it made a pop like noise when it exploded it also steamed a lot.

The particles started to heat up and move faster and then when it got put into the cold water it contracted and crunched up.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Inclusiveness task

Inclusiveness task

This task helped me change my judgement and thoughts because it showed me that I can't just judge someone by the way they present themselves or their cultures and religions, the way someone looks doesn't always represent their personality and if they are a good person or not, we can't be to quick to judge because we think this stranger is a bad person because they have tattoos, we are all human and we all have feelings.

How has this made you feel?
It made me feel quite sad and angry to see that not everyone is getting treated the same just because of their gender, sexuality, disabilities, skin colour, or religion its quite upsetting that people can't learn to handle change yet because their so close minded. 

How have your thoughts changed during this lesson on inclusion?
My thoughts haven't really changed I've always tried to treat people fairly and include everyone but it has helped me think about it more and just how unfair some people can be.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Conduction stop motion

Conduction stop motion 

What is convection?
energy transferred through heating by contact for example when the glue was heated up it started moving faster and melted causing the nails to fall and allowing the heat to move to the hand.

In this stop motion we are trying to show you how convection works, this stop motion shows that when the metal rod is heated up the heat travels up the metal rod therefore melting the glue and making the particles in the glue move faster releasing the nails that have been glued onto the rod. But if you hold the rod for to long the heat will travel all the way up to your hand making it hard to hold.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Home economics - stir fry

 Home economics - stir fry 

Today I am going to be making a review on some food my friend made for home economics since I was not here.

I feel like the group could have added more colour and made it look presentable, it looks like it taste very bland and If i'm being honest It does not look very appetising.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Slam dunk paragraph

Slam dunk paragraph 

For chaos today we learned how to structure a slam dunk paragraph and here is the one I made.

What was life like in the middle ages? Truthfully, it was pretty terrible depending on what and who you were, life was significantly different for the rich and the poor.  Rich people like the king and queen lived in castles, ate a bunch of food, and showered everyday. The poor, lived on farms, did not have enough food, and hardly showered. This was important because it shows how people in different classes were treated, how they lived their lives and how unfair life was.